Belief By Design
Helping Others Help Themselves
Recognition & acknowledgement of conditioning & imprinting taken on throughout our life is vital to being able to shift into remembering the truth of our wholeness & of who we want to BE in this world! Allow me to be your Listening Guide; to help you help yourself dig deeper into why you are the way you are, release what is not wanted, then embrace & expand into the possibilities of the truth of who you are!
Belief By Design offers both in-person and remote options.
Belief Coding®️
Belief Coding®️ is a revolutionary, science-backed healing modality that taps into the subconscious mind, connecting the dots of understanding, to where certain thoughts, feelings and beliefs come from. It enables us to re-program self-limiting beliefs into beliefs that serve us. Belief Coding®️ uses a combination of psychological and neurological techniques including elements of Psychology, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Meditation, Matrix-Reimprinting, Emotion Coding, Kinesiology and Energy Healing. It is a fast and effective modality that helps to resolve and diffuse trapped emotions and limiting beliefs and to code in new positive and empowering ones.
Single Session: $250 CAD
Three or more pre-paid sessions: $225 CAD
Each session is 2-2.5 hours, via in-person or ZOOM.
Mind Navigation
Mind Navigation, known as the big sister to Belief Coding, allows us to go deeper into a limitation through a 3 session process. Recognizing and acknowledging the emotions that are attached to the underlying beliefs around the limitation, then working through each emotion & belief, ultimately resolving and eliminating the limitation itself.
$333 CAD
(once fully accredited in this modality, pricing will increase)$100 CAD per each additional session*
Each of the 3 sessions is approx. 2 hours, via in-person or ZOOM.
*Note: Not all MN sessions are limited to 3 sessions. Depending on the depth of the limitation, there may need to be more than 3 sessions.
Reiki is an energy healing technique where gentle hand movements are used with the intention of guiding the flow of healthy energy, or life force energy, through the client's body to reduce stress and promote healing.
$100 CAD
1 hour sessions, via in-person
Self Worth Mentoring
A 12 session program, designed according to your individual needs based on where you are on your healing journey. Together, we will discover what beliefs are holding you back, resolve the conflict created by them & create lasting, positive change that will empower you for a brighter future! These sessions will be a combination of Belief Coding®️, Mind Navigation, Human Design & all the bits n bobs of creative energy & coaching/mentoring I've learned over the years.
$2400 CAD
This includes a 2 hour session every week for 12 weeks, via ZOOM.
Meet Jenn
I am a wife of 23 years and a mom to 4 boys aged 15-20 years. You could say I have a Masters in Life Experience, which has nurtured a love for philosophy, psychology, and neurology. I love people. Watching people, yes, but more so, listening to their stories. There is always something to learn from a person, no matter how young or old they are.
I am forever digging into the foundations of truth that we are all built upon ... those things we believe to be true for ourselves. They often stem from someone or something beyond ourselves and are not always healthy or good for us, but may have been for others. Releasing those old stories trapped by our emotions, then choosing the story we would like to tell, has become my latest obsession within my learning curve!
Feel free to reach out! There's nothing I enjoy more than a good conversation about why we are the way we are!